Opinion: Climate costs go up if California fails to act with Prop. 4

High on the list of things most Californians take for granted is the ability to confidently drink water that comes from their kitchen taps, or to safely bathe in water from their bathroom faucets. To live without a safe, clean water supply is to be constantly aware of its absence.
Given the rising threats to our water supply caused by a changing climate, all Californians should be very concerned. This is the time to invest in proven solutions, rather than accepting these outrageous, inhumane conditions.
California voters can authorize such an investment this fall by approving Proposition 4, a $10 billion bond measure with a principal focus of improving the amount and quality of drinking water.
It would fund grants and loans to local water agencies to help them provide safe and reliable drinking water. It would fund projects to reduce or treat contaminants in groundwater.
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