Proposition 32: Voters reject measure that would have raised California's minimum wage to nation-high $18 per hourCalifornia's voters have rejected a minimum wage increase to $18 per hour, reflecting economic concerns over job losses and business costs.
South Dakota Voters Reject Abortion Rights AmendmentVoters in South Dakota rejected a ballot amendment to protect abortion rights amid strong opposition and existing restrictive laws.
Voters trash Measure 118 tax on sales, rebateOregon voters rejected a tax measure meant to distribute funds to residents.
How the NY Equal Rights Amendment could change the state constitutionNew York voters will decide on an expanded Equal Rights Amendment that broadens discrimination protections in November 2024.
Opinion: Climate costs go up if California fails to act with Prop. 4California voters face a decision on a $10 billion bond to improve drinking water access and quality amid rising climate challenges.