California Governor Gavin Newsom has announced legislation aimed at providing year-round resources to combat the increasing intensity and duration of wildfires in the state. The proposed "Fight for Firefighters Act" aims to convert seasonal CAL FIRE firefighters to full-time positions with a $175 million annual budget, acknowledging that wildfires now occur continuously rather than fitting into a traditional season. As fire seasons lengthen, researchers emphasize that improved vegetation management, including prescribed burns, will be crucial for resilience against climate change-related fire risks.
In Southern California, it is year-round now, when you look at their graphs and longterm data... in Northern California, it's getting longer and longer.
There's nothing worse than having a fire break out in a place...only to have no personnel in that station.
By restoring prescribed fires in the landscapes, it could be vital to our future--in terms of resilience--to climate change and fires.
The proposal would allocate $175 million annually to make more than 3,000 seasonal CAL FIRE firefighters full time.