Mom killed in crash with accused drunk driver, CA cops say. Unlicensed man arrested

Roberto Noe Monfil Xitlama, 18, was arrested after running a red light and crashing into a Toyota SUV, resulting in the death of Maria Minerva Arroyo Lozada.
Witnesses described the crash as loud and impactful, with a local store owner remarking, 'I was out here skating in front of my store, and, all of a sudden, I heard this big boom.'
Despite being involved in the accident that killed a mother and critically injured her daughter, Monfil Xitlama was found to have a blood alcohol level more than double the legal limit.
The tragedy of Maria Arroyo Lozada's death deeply affected her community, with a GoFundMe noting she was 'a cherished soul who deeply impacted the lives of many.'
Read at Sacramento Bee