The claims are part of an effort by unions to increase pressure on business interests backing the measure to strike a deal to remove the proposal from the November ballot. If the concerns about the tax credits catch on, movie studio executives could be a powerful addition to the opposition campaign.
Losing film and television tax credits would be particularly damaging as the motion picture industry struggles to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, two major strikes and an ongoing industry contraction. 'This thing has the potential to devastate our industry and the jobs that support it, as well as those that are touched by this industry,' said Thom Davis, president of the California council for Hollywood crew members union IATSE.
So far, no movie studios have joined the opposition campaign led by the Service Employees International Union California, California Teachers Assn, Northern California Regional Council of Carpenters and the State Building & Construction Trades Council of California.
The California Business Roundtable, a proponent of the measure, pushed back on the union claims. The film credits are a tax deduction, not an increase, and would not be affected by the ballot initiative.