Incredible!! Killer whales all over the bay,” read a Monterey Bay Whale Watch post on Facebook with a video of the frolicking orcas from Friday, Sept. 27. The excitement was palpable among whale-watchers as they observed the whales' playful antics, providing a memorable experience for all.
The new calf appeared to have been born in the past nine days to Aurora, already the mother of four calves, Colleen Talty with Monterey Bay Whale Watch told McClatchy News. The presence of a newborn orca signifies a thriving ecosystem, demonstrating the success of conservation efforts in the region.
Three of the four pods, or families, were identified with the help of the California Killer Whale Project, whale-watchers said. This illustrates the vital role of research and monitoring in protecting these magnificent creatures and enhances our understanding of orca behavior and social structures.
Other pods spent some of their time in the bay hunting sea lions, Talty said. This hunting behavior underscores the orcas' position as top predators, essential for maintaining the balance in their marine habitat, showcasing their role in the ocean food web.