Inside Boeing CEO's Controversial $32.8 Million Pay Package | Entrepreneur

Boeing CEO David Calhoun's tenure is marred by serious quality control failures, poor leadership, and poor performance...proposed $32.8 million pay package for Calhoun is not only unwarranted but an affront to all stakeholders demanding accountability and change.
Under Calhoun's leadership, Boeing has faced a string of safety issues and lawsuits...highlight a broken safety culture that has sparked outrage from consumers, investors, and lawmakers alike.
Glass Lewis's call to reject the reelection of Calhoun and two other directors responsible for overseeing the company's safety practices underscores the dire need for a leadership overhaul.
Employees, who have endured the fallout from quality control issues and resulting operational disruptions, would justifiably be pissed by Calhoun's proposed pay increase...exacerbates their frustration and diminishes morale.
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