Ford is the latest in a series of companies to scale back DEI efforts under pressure from Robby Starbuck

"We are mindful that our employees and customers hold a wide range of beliefs, and the external and legal environment related to political and social issues continues to evolve," Farley's memo to employees read.
"Ford does not utilize hiring quotas or tie compensation to the achievement of specific diversity goals," the letter read. "Likewise, while we continue to develop a dealer body that reflects the communities they serve, we will not use quotas for minority dealerships or suppliers."
The statement also revealed that the company is ditching entirely its participation in external culture surveys such as the Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index as well as various 'best places to work' lists.
Big news: We were in the middle of investigating woke policies @Ford but this morning Ford confirmed to me that they're making changes. Here are the changes:* Ending participation in the @HRC's woke Corporate Equality Index social credit system.* It sounds like there will...
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