"This Citi Bike expansion is the latest way we're making it easier and more affordable to get around New York City, particularly for low-income New Yorkers," Mayor Eric Adams said in a statement. "People in Brownsville and other low-income neighborhoods deserve Citi Bike access as much as any other New Yorker, and this expansion brings us closer to ensuring just that."
"Citi Bike is more popular than ever because it's convenient, sustainable, and a quick way to get around," said New York City Department of Transportation Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez. "Bike share has become an integral part of our transportation landscape, and this expansion will bring this great service to even more communities."
With the addition of new stations, the Citi Bike network will bring bike-share access within a five-minute walk of 64% of New Yorkers - more than 5.6 million residents. Combined with the city's e-scooter share program in the East Bronx and Eastern Queens, over 75% of New York City's population will have access to shared micromobility services.