"The Entitlement Gets To Me." Parents Are Revealing Things Their Kids Do That They Secretly Hate

"My 5-year-old is overly sensitive and cries at the drop of a hat. Almost anything she doesn't like or want sets her off. I'm not saying that we're a family of robots, but when she sees her sister put foods together that she wouldn't want together, that shouldn't warrant a screaming fit."
"I really, really dislike my step-daughter. She's in her early 20s and has seen me as an intruder despite 20 years of effort in raising her. She is rude and manipulative, often making it clear that she only buys gifts for her dad and ignores me in my own home."
"At least once a week, I'm wondering if anyone wants to take my kids off my hands for a month. My 13-year-old thinks he's grown and throws tantrums when asked to do anything. Is this common for teens?"
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