See a little girl's savage Valentine's Day card to a classmate named Conor

On Valentine's Day, Lailah Jackson, aged 7, chose to give her classmates a performance review through uniquely crafted cards. While most of her peers received thoughtful praises, one classmate named Conor got a blunt reminder to 'Do better.' Lailah's mother, Jasmin, shares her surprise at her daughter's honest approach, expressing pride in Lailah's initiative. The incident, which gains popularity every February, prompts discussions about children's sincerity and interactions. Lailah's creativity highlights a blend of innocence and directness in her social circle, leaving a lasting impression on her mother and others involved.
Jasmin Jackson reflects on her daughter Lailah's unique Valentine's Day cards, where she encouraged friends and gave tough love to a classmate named Conor.
Lailah's straightforward advice to her classmate included, 'Conor... Do better,' showcasing her earnest belief that he could improve.
The incident, shared on TikTok, sparked laughter and nostalgia, highlighting the innocence and honesty of children's interactions during Valentine's.
Lailah's mother's perspective on her daughter's initiative highlights a blend of pride and surprise at such candid feedback toward her peers.
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