Matthew Slater and Daniel Adams are examples of individuals who never experience a hangover, a rare phenomenon termed 'hangover resistance.' Studies suggest that this resistance affects a significant number of people, challenging common assumptions about alcohol's aftereffects. Research since 2008 has focused on understanding the physiological and psychological factors at play, emphasizing the subjective nature of hangover experiences. Many individuals report varying intensities of hangovers, making it difficult to gauge the true prevalence of this condition scientifically.
Just once, Matthew Slater would like to experience a hangover. But even if Mr. Slater, 34, finishes a bottle of vodka, he still wakes up feeling fine the next day.
Scientists have a term for people like Mr. Slater and Mr. Adams: hangover resistant. Over the last decade and a half, researchers have tried to understand why some people feel weary and others feel nothing.