Couple who takes baby with them on 'wine walks' both alarms parents - and inspires them

Lauren Miller, a prominent momfluencer, ignited controversy with a video showing her and her husband enjoying wine while strolling with their baby. The clip, playfully captioned "Wine walks in the burbs 4 life," drew mixed reactions, particularly regarding the combination of parenting and alcohol. Critics raised concerns about public intoxication and general safety, while others dismissed the severity of such criticism. Amidst the backlash, Miller responded humorously to the naysayers, attempting to embrace both the positive and negative feedback she received, marking a lively conversation on modern parenting norms.
"Alcoholism is a trend now... It ain't normal wanting to take wine on a walk," read one comment, for example. This highlights deep concerns over parenting norms with alcohol.
Mom Lauren liked those comments, but had this to say to the 'naysayers': 'Thanks for the fun comments fam, and to the mean comments I hope you step in dog poop today.'
Read at New York Post