In The Substance, the story revolves around Elisabeth Sparkle, played by Demi Moore, who confronts Hollywood's ageism and sexism after losing her job, leading to an extreme self-improvement journey via a bizarre method that comes with horrific undertones.
As she transforms into a younger version of herself, Elisabeth's journey becomes a cautionary tale about the lengths individuals go through for societal acceptance and beauty, echoing themes from Dorian Gray and embodying dark humor throughout.
The film’s gruesome take on body horror, combined with its satirical commentary on L.A.'s culture of fitness and makeover obsession, presents both entertainment and a visceral critique, culminating in an impactful third act meant to be experienced in a crowd.
Despite its incisive satire on body image and feminism, the film struggles to deliver a powerful feminist commentary, illustrating the complexity of self-improvement narratives in modern society.