During the COVID-19 pandemic, Nick Cave embraced creating Staffordshire-style ceramic sculptures, finding solace in the art amidst personal grief. His series, 'The Devil - A Life,' reflects a journey of a character through life and repentance, initiated by Cave's nostalgic exploration of visual arts he had abandoned. This creative endeavor connected him to his childhood creativity while processing the loss of his son, blending personal narrative with a historical art form.
As for how he settled on Staffordshire-style creations, specifically, Cave suggested that his initial motivation simply stemmed from sitting around his house during the pandemic, "looking at one of these Staffordshires just thinking, 'I can do this.'"
Once he got into it, the story of his 'The Devil - A Life' series began to unfold in a therapeutic way, connecting Cave both to his handicraft and his grief in the wake of the 2015 death of his son, Arthur.