Telcos gear up for the generative AI juggernaut

The innovative technology of generative artificial intelligence, powering applications like ChatGPT and Google Gemini, is set to drive a market worth $1.3 trillion by 2032, with $40 billion generated in 2022, showcasing a remarkable growth trajectory of 41% annually. AI leaders such as OpenAI, Google, and Microsoft are strategically positioning themselves to benefit economically from this AI wave through consumer and business products.
The impact of generative AI on the telecommunication sector is anticipated to be profound, with a surge in network traffic expected due to the technology's bandwidth requirements surpassing traditional services like Google search. Managing the upcoming increased volume of diverse data types poses a challenge, as noted by industry leaders like Bernard Despres from Orange and Julia Velasco from Vodafone Spain, who foresee significant shifts in network demands.
Data traffic growth of around 30% annually has been a consistent trend for over a decade, setting the stage for potential challenges in handling the increased demands brought by generative AI applications. The necessity to accommodate higher volumes, especially with diverse data types from various services and applications, signifies a critical juncture for the telecom industry in adapting to the evolving landscape.
Julia Velasco from Vodafone Spain emphasizes the role of generative AI in applications like image processing and security threat identification, indicating a clear potential for boosted network traffic due to these advanced functionalities. The steady rise in data transmission prior to the widespread adoption of generative AI further underlines the imminent impact on network capacities and operations.
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