A recent report by NewsGuard reveals ongoing influence from Russian disinformation on major AI chatbots, notably from a network called 'Pravda.' This network, which began after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, has released over 3.6 million articles to manipulate chatbot responses by flooding them with pro-Kremlin narratives. The report notes that about a third of the outputs from ten major chatbots reflect arguments from Pravda. This manipulation raises concerns about AI's reliability in news dissemination and ongoing U.S. countermeasures against Russian cyber activities.
"By flooding search results and web crawlers with pro-Kremlin falsehoods, the network is distorting how large language models process and present news and information."
"The Pravda network launched in April 2022, following Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and has since grown to cover 49 countries and dozens of languages."