A family quickly took the plunge of RV life just three days after purchasing their RV. With a seven-month-old baby, they packed up essentials for a four-month journey across the United States, aiming to create lasting memories. Despite facing challenges, such as mechanical issues and unexpected events, the trip was full of enriching experiences, contributing not only to their bonding as a family but also fostering resilience. The adventure was a way to explore new places and witness their son's growth in an open and dynamic lifestyle.
We had to pack four months' worth of clothes for our 7-month-old baby since he was growing so fast.
Some would call it brave, others reckless (possibly more accurately), but three days after buying our RV, we set off on a three-and-a-half-month RV trip.
Due to several engagements, we had committed to along the way in different states, there was a time crunch on our departure.
The bumps along the road helped us build that muscle of resilience to change and adaptability that I believe will serve us well.