
Harvard Business Review
11 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI Can Be Both Accurate and Transparent

In 2019, Apple's credit card business came under fire for offering a woman one twentieth the credit limit offered to her husband.When she complained, Apple representatives reportedly told her, "I don't know why, but I swear we're not discriminating.It's just the algorithm."Today, more and more decisions are made by opaque, unexplainable algorithms like this - often with similarly problematic results.
Rise of artificial intelligence is inevitable but should not be feared, ‘father of AI’ says @Reboot_Comm #vipss
11 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Rise of artificial intelligence is inevitable but should not be feared, father of AI' says

The man once described as the father of artificial intelligence is breaking ranks with many of his contemporaries who are fearful of the AI arms race, saying what is coming is inevitable and we should learn to embrace it.Prof Jurgen Schmidhuber's work on neural networks in the 1990s was developed into language-processing models that went on to be used in technologies such as Google Translate and Apple's Siri.
⁦@HlthcareSumm⁩ #hcs23
1 year ago
Public health

9 ways AI is already shaping the future of healthtech

Over the past few months, developments in AI have opened the doors for improvements in healthtech to more closely and efficiently track and treat illnesses.Such innovations could lead to huge health savings for consumersaccording to a 2020 study, the integration of AI in healthtech can cut annual U.S. healthcare costs by $150 billion in 2026.
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