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Above the Law
3 months ago

Texting With Clients Has Benefits And Disadvantages

Lawyers are finding new ways to connect with clients, including online portals and text messaging.
Text messages are advantageous because clients are more likely to read them sooner than emails. [ more ]
4 months ago
Digital life

How Group Chats Rule the World

Constant text messaging is a common communication method for many people, especially those under 30.
Group chats allow for ongoing conversations and constant connection with friends. [ more ]
6 months ago
Digital life

Nothing's New Messaging App Will Make Green Bubbles Appear Blue on iPhone

Apple's iOS and Android's text messaging divide can be frustrating for users.
Sunbird and Nothing have partnered to create an exclusive app, Nothing Chats, to bridge the gap between Android and iOS messaging.
Nothing Chats offers iMessage features like group messaging and read receipts to Android users. [ more ]
4 months ago
Tech industry

The Tech That Needs Fixing in 2024, and What Got Fixed Last Year

Tech companies often focus on promoting the progress and improvements of their products, but there are still tech flaws that persist.
One longstanding issue is the green vs. blue bubble disparity in text messaging between Apple and Android phones, which has created sociological divisions and exclusion. [ more ]
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