Concord's strict tenant protections spark controversy ahead of first annual reviewConcord's tenant protection regulations face scrutiny as councilmember Pablo Benavente navigates tensions between landlord interests and tenant safety.
Croydon Council to crack down on private landlords providing poor housingSelective licensing in Croydon aims to enhance housing protection and standards for tenants under private landlords.
California's rent control ballot measure could reverberate across the USProposition 33 may restore local control over rent control in California, providing critical relief in the housing crisis.
Toronto passes new renovictions bylaw in effort to protect tenants | CBC NewsToronto implements a new bylaw to protect tenants from unjust evictions under the guise of renovation, effective July 31, 2025.
Berkeley ballot measures BB and CC: Voters to decide overhaul of rent rulesTwo competing measures, BB and CC, may change Berkeley's rent rules this November.
Comienza la prueba de fuego legal para ley de desalojo por "causa justificada"The New York eviction law aims to protect tenants but faces legal challenges ahead.
Concord's strict tenant protections spark controversy ahead of first annual reviewConcord's tenant protection regulations face scrutiny as councilmember Pablo Benavente navigates tensions between landlord interests and tenant safety.
Croydon Council to crack down on private landlords providing poor housingSelective licensing in Croydon aims to enhance housing protection and standards for tenants under private landlords.
California's rent control ballot measure could reverberate across the USProposition 33 may restore local control over rent control in California, providing critical relief in the housing crisis.
Toronto passes new renovictions bylaw in effort to protect tenants | CBC NewsToronto implements a new bylaw to protect tenants from unjust evictions under the guise of renovation, effective July 31, 2025.
Berkeley ballot measures BB and CC: Voters to decide overhaul of rent rulesTwo competing measures, BB and CC, may change Berkeley's rent rules this November.
Comienza la prueba de fuego legal para ley de desalojo por "causa justificada"The New York eviction law aims to protect tenants but faces legal challenges ahead.
What Labour's Renters' Rights Bill means for UK tenantsThe Renters' Rights Bill significantly enhances protections and rights for private renters in the UK.
Rental Home Getting Cold This Winter? What You Can Legally Ask of Your Landlord | KQEDLandlords in California must provide a functioning heat source to maintain temperatures above 70 degrees for renters.
What Labour's Renters' Rights Bill means for UK tenantsThe Renters' Rights Bill significantly enhances protections and rights for private renters in the UK.
Rental Home Getting Cold This Winter? What You Can Legally Ask of Your Landlord | KQEDLandlords in California must provide a functioning heat source to maintain temperatures above 70 degrees for renters.
Brooklyn Woman Faces up to 4 Years in Prison for Alleged Apartment Rental ScamSvetlana Katzevman faces charges for defrauding tenants, potentially leading to four years in prison for exploiting vulnerable immigrant renters.
Atlantic Avenue Rezoning Sparks Tenant Displacement Fears in BrooklynResidents express dissatisfaction with the city's affordable rent measures in Atlantic Avenue rezoning, calling for adjustments to benefit lower-income households.
San Jose needs plan for protecting renters, audit finds - San Jose SpotlightSan Jose's tenant protection policy lacks enforcement mechanisms against unlawful evictions by landlords.
California's rent control rejection might point to national appetite for different approachCalifornia voters rejected a proposal to lift statewide rent control restrictions, highlighting ongoing opposition to such measures even among advocates for housing affordability.
Brooklyn council member introduces slate of bills to protect tenants after residential fires * Brooklyn PaperCouncil Member Jennifer Gutiérrez introduced bills to protect tenants after a high rate of residential fires hit close to home.
California's rent control rejection might point to national appetite for different approachCalifornia voters rejected a proposal to lift statewide rent control restrictions, highlighting ongoing opposition to such measures even among advocates for housing affordability.
Brooklyn council member introduces slate of bills to protect tenants after residential fires * Brooklyn PaperCouncil Member Jennifer Gutiérrez introduced bills to protect tenants after a high rate of residential fires hit close to home.
U.S. Supreme Court Won't Mull Nixing NYC Rent StabilizationThe US Supreme Court upheld New York's rent stabilization law, maintaining protections for a million rental units.
NYC Council eyes bills to protect tenants from illegal evictions | amNewYorkNYC Council is introducing bills to strengthen protections against illegal evictions, enhance tenants' rights, and manage temperature control for renters during summer.
U.S. Supreme Court Won't Mull Nixing NYC Rent StabilizationThe US Supreme Court upheld New York's rent stabilization law, maintaining protections for a million rental units.
NYC Council eyes bills to protect tenants from illegal evictions | amNewYorkNYC Council is introducing bills to strengthen protections against illegal evictions, enhance tenants' rights, and manage temperature control for renters during summer.
Opinion: We support Jenny Guarino to get the job done in City Council District 2Residents demand council accountability and engagement from representatives.Terry Taplin is deemed unfit for re-election due to lack of responsiveness.Jenny Guarino is favored for her commitment to worker rights and tenant advocacy.
Brampton's rental licence pilot has led to 4,700 inspections: city | CBC NewsBrampton's rental licensing pilot is effectively addressing illegal rentals despite landlord protests, highlighting unsafe living conditions in inspected homes.
New Palo Alto Ordinance Tightens Tenant ProtectionsTenants in Palo Alto can now secure Just Cause eviction protections after only 6 months of occupancy instead of 12.The ordinance reflects a growing trend to enhance tenant protections in the face of housing insecurity.
Housing minister Matthew Pennycook raps fellow London MP Jas Athwal for state of homes rented outHousing Minister Matthew Pennycook criticizes MP Jas Athwal's rental practices while introducing new reforms for tenant protections.New legislation aims to protect tenants from arbitrary eviction and promote responsible landlord behavior.
London landlord fined 10,000 for turning family home into HMO for nine people across seven householdsLandlords fined for non-compliance with HMO licensing regulations, emphasizing the importance of licensing for property standards and tenant protection.
Kathy Hochul gets on board with key parts of NY 'Good Cause' rent-control bill as state budget housing deal nearsGov. Kathy Hochul supports key parts of the 'Good Cause Eviction' bill.The bill would cap rent increases at 10% or 5% plus the latest Consumer Price Index.