City wants to limit mobile home rent increases, but landlords warn of consequencesMountain View City Council aims to limit annual rent increases for mobile home residents to ease affordability issues.
LA City Council passes temporary ban on substantial remodel evictionsLos Angeles tenants temporarily protected from eviction during major renovations through a city council vote.
David W Higgins: Rent controls have done their job, but now it's time for them to goRenters benefit from staying put under RPZs, but face challenges when relocating.
Concord's strict tenant protections spark controversy ahead of first annual reviewConcord's tenant protection regulations face scrutiny as councilmember Pablo Benavente navigates tensions between landlord interests and tenant safety.
Opinion: Banning rent software won't make East Bay housing more affordableVice President Kamala Harris criticized property management software for contributing to high rents, sparking policy changes in local governments.
Berkeley could see among state's biggest changes in rent control if Prop. 33 passesProposition 33 could establish rent increases caps for older rentals and newly rented units in Berkeley if passed.
City wants to limit mobile home rent increases, but landlords warn of consequencesMountain View City Council aims to limit annual rent increases for mobile home residents to ease affordability issues.
LA City Council passes temporary ban on substantial remodel evictionsLos Angeles tenants temporarily protected from eviction during major renovations through a city council vote.
David W Higgins: Rent controls have done their job, but now it's time for them to goRenters benefit from staying put under RPZs, but face challenges when relocating.
Concord's strict tenant protections spark controversy ahead of first annual reviewConcord's tenant protection regulations face scrutiny as councilmember Pablo Benavente navigates tensions between landlord interests and tenant safety.
Opinion: Banning rent software won't make East Bay housing more affordableVice President Kamala Harris criticized property management software for contributing to high rents, sparking policy changes in local governments.
Berkeley could see among state's biggest changes in rent control if Prop. 33 passesProposition 33 could establish rent increases caps for older rentals and newly rented units in Berkeley if passed.
The dramatic and profound politics of the Mosser Hotel - 48 hillsPlanning Commission faces a critical decision regarding Mosser Hotel's conversion, testing independence from previous mayoral influence.
Rent set by algorithm? Berkeley bans landlords from using pricing softwareBerkeley has banned landlords from using pricing algorithms to counter rising rents and housing crisis.
CA Landlords Are Using AI To Raise Rents, San Jose and Others Are Pushing BackLandlords using algorithmic pricing software significantly inflate rents, leading to federal probes and local legislative action against such practices in California.
A Toehold in San Francisco, 30 Years LaterValerie Sobel-Twain's journey of finding a long-term home in San Francisco reveals the emotional significance of place and connections made during pivotal life moments.
Opinion: Don't be misled on housing vote yes on Measure BB, no on Measure CCThe cost of living in the Bay Area is excessively high, influenced by corporate landlords and increasing evictions post-COVID.
Rent Pressure Zones needed for two more years before new controls ready, says chair of housing bodyRent Pressure Zones need to remain for two more years to allow for a proper alternative system development.
California's biggest loser this election? LA nonprofit admits double defeat on ballot propsAHF faced significant electoral losses with the defeat of Prop. 33 and restrictive measures of Prop. 34, impacting its funding initiatives.
Rent set by algorithm? Berkeley bans landlords from using pricing softwareBerkeley has banned landlords from using pricing algorithms to counter rising rents and housing crisis.
CA Landlords Are Using AI To Raise Rents, San Jose and Others Are Pushing BackLandlords using algorithmic pricing software significantly inflate rents, leading to federal probes and local legislative action against such practices in California.
A Toehold in San Francisco, 30 Years LaterValerie Sobel-Twain's journey of finding a long-term home in San Francisco reveals the emotional significance of place and connections made during pivotal life moments.
Opinion: Don't be misled on housing vote yes on Measure BB, no on Measure CCThe cost of living in the Bay Area is excessively high, influenced by corporate landlords and increasing evictions post-COVID.
Rent Pressure Zones needed for two more years before new controls ready, says chair of housing bodyRent Pressure Zones need to remain for two more years to allow for a proper alternative system development.
California's biggest loser this election? LA nonprofit admits double defeat on ballot propsAHF faced significant electoral losses with the defeat of Prop. 33 and restrictive measures of Prop. 34, impacting its funding initiatives.
Concord City Council votes to loosen rent control restrictions after heated meetingConcord City Council voted to raise the rent cap from 3% to 5%, amidst heated discussions between tenants and property owners.
The strange loophole that transformed Berlin from tenant's paradise to landlord's playground | Tim WhiteBerlin's housing crisis, marked by soaring rents, reflects serious legal loopholes exploited by landlords that undermine rent control regulations.
Brad Lander's 'pave over' NYC golf courses for affordable housing plan is a double bogeyPaving over public golf courses for housing ignores true causes of NYC's housing crisis.
Housing activists to demand fair rent and family homesLondon's housing crisis leads to high rents and insufficient affordable housing, prompting calls for rent control and more family social homes.
Rent caps needed as part of reforms, says CorbynJeremy Corbyn advocates for rent controls to curb excessive profits and protect London tenants from soaring housing costs.
Renting vs. owning: What's fair for Californians?California's housing crisis highlights the complexities of substituting rental options, which isn't as straightforward as traditional economics suggests.
Concord City Council votes to loosen rent control restrictions after heated meetingConcord City Council voted to raise the rent cap from 3% to 5%, amidst heated discussions between tenants and property owners.
The strange loophole that transformed Berlin from tenant's paradise to landlord's playground | Tim WhiteBerlin's housing crisis, marked by soaring rents, reflects serious legal loopholes exploited by landlords that undermine rent control regulations.
Brad Lander's 'pave over' NYC golf courses for affordable housing plan is a double bogeyPaving over public golf courses for housing ignores true causes of NYC's housing crisis.
Housing activists to demand fair rent and family homesLondon's housing crisis leads to high rents and insufficient affordable housing, prompting calls for rent control and more family social homes.
Rent caps needed as part of reforms, says CorbynJeremy Corbyn advocates for rent controls to curb excessive profits and protect London tenants from soaring housing costs.
Renting vs. owning: What's fair for Californians?California's housing crisis highlights the complexities of substituting rental options, which isn't as straightforward as traditional economics suggests.
What do local housing advocates and experts think of Josh Kraft's housing plan?Josh Kraft proposes optional rent control to incentivize landlords for creating affordable housing in Boston amidst a housing crisis.
Bramson: Setting expectations for housing and homelessness on the 2024 ballot - San Jose SpotlightThis year's vote won't solve immediate housing crises but could shape future responses.
What do local housing advocates and experts think of Josh Kraft's housing plan?Josh Kraft proposes optional rent control to incentivize landlords for creating affordable housing in Boston amidst a housing crisis.
Bramson: Setting expectations for housing and homelessness on the 2024 ballot - San Jose SpotlightThis year's vote won't solve immediate housing crises but could shape future responses.
Stiles unveils plan for Toronto as Crombie asks NDP voters to decamp to Liberals | CBC NewsMarit Stiles highlights the NDP's commitment to renters and transit riders in Toronto against the backdrop of the upcoming elections.
RememberingMarty Schiffenbauer, co-author of Berkeley rent control legislationMarty Schiffenbauer, a significant figure in Berkeley's legislative history, passed away at 86, leaving behind a legacy of reforms.
Dueling tenant protection measures hit Berkeley ballotTwo competing measures on renter protections in Berkeley will be on the November ballot, impacting rent control and eviction policies.
RememberingMarty Schiffenbauer, co-author of Berkeley rent control legislationMarty Schiffenbauer, a significant figure in Berkeley's legislative history, passed away at 86, leaving behind a legacy of reforms.
Dueling tenant protection measures hit Berkeley ballotTwo competing measures on renter protections in Berkeley will be on the November ballot, impacting rent control and eviction policies.
Affordable Housing Tenants in Carroll Gardens Fight to Stay in Their HomesTenants at 63 Tiffany Place rally to prevent rent increases and advocate for community ownership of their building to maintain affordable housing.
How Tenants Are Getting Rent Breaks as 'Good Cause' Kicks InLandlords must notify tenants about eviction protections and rules regarding rent increases, impacting tenant rights.
Who's paying for Berkeley's rent control ballot measures?Outside funding significantly influences local rent control measures, revealing deep political connections between local and national interests.
Tenants call for rent controls in demonstrationRising rents in London have led to increasing protests by tenants demanding better rights and controls.
This Bay Area City Is Cracking Down on Landlord Neglect | KQEDRichmond's new city program mandates regular inspections for rental properties to enhance tenant protections.
California attorney general says bidding wars aren't exempt from price-gouging rulesPrice-gouging rules prevent landlords from charging more than 10% above pre-crisis rental prices in Los Angeles County following recent fires.
Affordable Housing Tenants in Carroll Gardens Fight to Stay in Their HomesTenants at 63 Tiffany Place rally to prevent rent increases and advocate for community ownership of their building to maintain affordable housing.
How Tenants Are Getting Rent Breaks as 'Good Cause' Kicks InLandlords must notify tenants about eviction protections and rules regarding rent increases, impacting tenant rights.
Who's paying for Berkeley's rent control ballot measures?Outside funding significantly influences local rent control measures, revealing deep political connections between local and national interests.
Tenants call for rent controls in demonstrationRising rents in London have led to increasing protests by tenants demanding better rights and controls.
This Bay Area City Is Cracking Down on Landlord Neglect | KQEDRichmond's new city program mandates regular inspections for rental properties to enhance tenant protections.
California attorney general says bidding wars aren't exempt from price-gouging rulesPrice-gouging rules prevent landlords from charging more than 10% above pre-crisis rental prices in Los Angeles County following recent fires.
Prop. 33: Will California voters allow cities to expand rent control?Proposition 33 could significantly expand rent control in California, amidst rising housing costs and increased public debate.
Gov. Newsom extends rental price gouging protections until early MarchGov. Newsom extends price gouging protections for rental housing in L.A. due to fire-related rent hikes, aiming to aid displaced residents.
If Proposition 33 Passes, These Bay Area Cities Would See Big Rent Control Changes | KQEDProposition 33 could significantly limit future rent increases in California, affecting thousands of tenants amidst rising housing costs.
Track the money for Prop 33: Contributions for and against California's ballot measure on rent controlProposition 33 aims to allow cities to implement rent control, opposing real estate interests believe it will harm housing development.
Prop. 33: Will California voters allow cities to expand rent control?Proposition 33 could significantly expand rent control in California, amidst rising housing costs and increased public debate.
Gov. Newsom extends rental price gouging protections until early MarchGov. Newsom extends price gouging protections for rental housing in L.A. due to fire-related rent hikes, aiming to aid displaced residents.
If Proposition 33 Passes, These Bay Area Cities Would See Big Rent Control Changes | KQEDProposition 33 could significantly limit future rent increases in California, affecting thousands of tenants amidst rising housing costs.
Track the money for Prop 33: Contributions for and against California's ballot measure on rent controlProposition 33 aims to allow cities to implement rent control, opposing real estate interests believe it will harm housing development.
Renting vs. owning: What's fair for Californians?California's high rent forces tenants to consider relocation despite significant costs and emotional burdens associated with moving, highlighting the complexity of the housing market.
Presidential Election And Possible Impact On The Boston Condo Market Boston Condos For Sale Ford RealtyThe presidential election will significantly impact the Boston condo market, especially with differing housing policies proposed by Biden and Trump.
Feds expand lawsuit against corporate San Jose landlords - San Jose SpotlightThe U.S. Justice Department is targeting landlords utilizing tech software to manipulate rental prices, alleging illegal collusion with software providers.
California's rent control rejection might point to national appetite for different approachCalifornia voters rejected a proposal to lift statewide rent control restrictions, highlighting ongoing opposition to such measures even among advocates for housing affordability.
Prop. 33 could mean millions less for schools, emergency services, county officials warnProposition 33 could significantly decrease local property tax revenues, affecting funding for schools and emergency services if approved.
Renting vs. owning: What's fair for Californians?California's high rent forces tenants to consider relocation despite significant costs and emotional burdens associated with moving, highlighting the complexity of the housing market.
Presidential Election And Possible Impact On The Boston Condo Market Boston Condos For Sale Ford RealtyThe presidential election will significantly impact the Boston condo market, especially with differing housing policies proposed by Biden and Trump.
Feds expand lawsuit against corporate San Jose landlords - San Jose SpotlightThe U.S. Justice Department is targeting landlords utilizing tech software to manipulate rental prices, alleging illegal collusion with software providers.
California's rent control rejection might point to national appetite for different approachCalifornia voters rejected a proposal to lift statewide rent control restrictions, highlighting ongoing opposition to such measures even among advocates for housing affordability.
Prop. 33 could mean millions less for schools, emergency services, county officials warnProposition 33 could significantly decrease local property tax revenues, affecting funding for schools and emergency services if approved.
Elias: Proposition results show voters less liberal than politiciansCalifornia voters are liberal yet moderate, preferring pragmatic solutions to crime and housing over extreme policies.Tough-on-crime measures succeed while expansion of rent control fails, indicating voters' prioritization of housing supply.
Latest line: A good week for the California Apartment Association, a bad week for Pamela PriceCalifornia landlords score a legislative victory with Prop 34, restricting political spending by opponents against rent control measures in the state.
Day Around the Bay: Blind People Rally Against Uber and Lyft For Allegedly Denying Them RidesA Halloween event will offer open containers and to-go cocktails from 2-10 pm.Blind riders report significant discrimination from rideshare companies according to recent data.Testimony in the Bob Lee case revealed a concerning scene with alcohol present during his death.A rent control measure in San Francisco awaits the outcome of an upcoming state proposition.
Prop. 33, California's rent control measure, is likely to fail for third time despite housing crisisProposition 33 to repeal rent control restrictions in California was rejected by over 64% of voters, marking another setback in addressing housing affordability.
Elias: Proposition results show voters less liberal than politiciansCalifornia voters are liberal yet moderate, preferring pragmatic solutions to crime and housing over extreme policies.Tough-on-crime measures succeed while expansion of rent control fails, indicating voters' prioritization of housing supply.
Latest line: A good week for the California Apartment Association, a bad week for Pamela PriceCalifornia landlords score a legislative victory with Prop 34, restricting political spending by opponents against rent control measures in the state.
Day Around the Bay: Blind People Rally Against Uber and Lyft For Allegedly Denying Them RidesA Halloween event will offer open containers and to-go cocktails from 2-10 pm.Blind riders report significant discrimination from rideshare companies according to recent data.Testimony in the Bob Lee case revealed a concerning scene with alcohol present during his death.A rent control measure in San Francisco awaits the outcome of an upcoming state proposition.
Prop. 33, California's rent control measure, is likely to fail for third time despite housing crisisProposition 33 to repeal rent control restrictions in California was rejected by over 64% of voters, marking another setback in addressing housing affordability.
California's rent control rejection might point to national appetite for different approachCalifornia's voters rejected a proposal to overturn statewide rent control restrictions, indicating broad reluctance for such measures despite growing concerns over housing affordability.
California voters approve measure aimed at restricting AIDS Healthcare Foundation spendingProposition 34 restricts healthcare funding for providers with safety violations, aimed at organizations like the AIDS Healthcare Foundation.
What is Prop 34? What to know about the prescription drug revenue-spending measureProp 34 mandates revenue spending for drug programs while linking to Prop 33 in a contentious political landscape involving rent control issues.
California's rent control rejection might point to national appetite for different approachCalifornia's voters rejected a proposal to overturn statewide rent control restrictions, indicating broad reluctance for such measures despite growing concerns over housing affordability.
California voters approve measure aimed at restricting AIDS Healthcare Foundation spendingProposition 34 restricts healthcare funding for providers with safety violations, aimed at organizations like the AIDS Healthcare Foundation.
What is Prop 34? What to know about the prescription drug revenue-spending measureProp 34 mandates revenue spending for drug programs while linking to Prop 33 in a contentious political landscape involving rent control issues.
San Jose may consider ban on rent-setting software after antitrust suitSan Jose officials propose banning rent-setting tools to protect renters amidst rising home affordability issues and allegations of collusion by property management software companies.
San Jose mobile home park residents face illegal rent increases - San Jose SpotlightSan Jose is investigating illegal rent increases at a mobile home park, challenging claims of exemption by Harmony Communities.
San Jose may consider ban on rent-setting software after antitrust suitSan Jose officials propose banning rent-setting tools to protect renters amidst rising home affordability issues and allegations of collusion by property management software companies.
San Jose mobile home park residents face illegal rent increases - San Jose SpotlightSan Jose is investigating illegal rent increases at a mobile home park, challenging claims of exemption by Harmony Communities.
California Voters Say Yes to Tougher Crime Sentences, No to Rent ControlCalifornia voters approved Proposition 36 to toughen sentencing for repeat offenders and rejected Proposition 33 which sought to expand rent control.
Your California Ballot Cheat Sheet For Tuesday's Ten Statewide MeasuresCalifornia's ballot includes significant measures on minimum wage, rent control, and crime sentencing surpassing the overshadowed presidential race.
Transcript: Proposition 34 Limits How Prescription Drug Revenue Can Be Spent By Certain Providers | KQEDProposition 34 is a complex measure affecting prescription drug spending in California, with implications for both healthcare practices and rent control.
Your California Ballot Cheat Sheet For Tuesday's Ten Statewide MeasuresCalifornia's ballot includes significant measures on minimum wage, rent control, and crime sentencing surpassing the overshadowed presidential race.
Transcript: Proposition 34 Limits How Prescription Drug Revenue Can Be Spent By Certain Providers | KQEDProposition 34 is a complex measure affecting prescription drug spending in California, with implications for both healthcare practices and rent control.
Progressive unity rally seeks to get out the vote - 48 hillsProgressive candidates are gaining grassroots support as they unify against billionaire-backed moderate candidates in the mayoral race.
Fact Check: The attacks on Jackie Fielder in D9 - 48 hillsTrevor Chandler's self-described 'progressive' stance contradicts key progressive issues in San Francisco, especially district elections and rent control.
Progressive unity rally seeks to get out the vote - 48 hillsProgressive candidates are gaining grassroots support as they unify against billionaire-backed moderate candidates in the mayoral race.
Fact Check: The attacks on Jackie Fielder in D9 - 48 hillsTrevor Chandler's self-described 'progressive' stance contradicts key progressive issues in San Francisco, especially district elections and rent control.
Cities face limits on how they can expand rent control. Voters could change that with Prop. 33San Francisco expands rent control efforts, pending voter approval to repeal the Costa-Hawkins Act, amid a housing affordability crisis.
Letters: Prop. 33Proposition 33 represents a misuse of funds intended for healthcare, illustrating the moral implications of politicizing support for vulnerable populations.
Cities face limits on how they can expand rent control. Voters could change that with Prop. 33San Francisco expands rent control efforts, pending voter approval to repeal the Costa-Hawkins Act, amid a housing affordability crisis.
Letters: Prop. 33Proposition 33 represents a misuse of funds intended for healthcare, illustrating the moral implications of politicizing support for vulnerable populations.
Farrell, Lurie oppose expansion of rent control - 48 hillsThe Chron's new tool helps voters identify mayoral candidates aligning with their political views based on self-reported answers to key policy questions.