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The US Sun
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

Google facing new $10,000 lawsuits after $5 billion 'incognito' settlement

More lawsuits filed against Google over 'incognito' browsing mode.
Plaintiffs claim violation of trust due to misuse of 'incognito' search data.
Legal battle questioning tangible harm for incognito users. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

A Breakthrough Online Privacy Proposal Hits Congress

The American Privacy Rights Act (APRA) aims to limit data collection and create user rights.
Congress shows progress towards passing a comprehensive data privacy framework. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Ad Tech Companies Will Keep Their Privacy Lawyers Busy This Year | AdExchanger

Ad tech companies are concerned about their cookie-related obligations under state privacy laws.
Sensitive personal information and the Meta pixel are major concerns for ad tech clients. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

US State Privacy Laws Whiteboards Package

The US lacks a comprehensive federal privacy law and instead regulates privacy with a patchwork of state and federal laws.
More than a dozen states have passed broad consumer privacy laws since 2018. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

US State Privacy Laws Whiteboards Package

The US lacks a comprehensive federal privacy law and instead regulates privacy with a patchwork of state and federal laws.
More than a dozen states have passed broad consumer privacy laws since 2018. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

US State Privacy Laws Whiteboards Package

The US lacks a comprehensive federal privacy law and instead regulates privacy with a patchwork of state and federal laws.
More than a dozen states have passed broad consumer privacy laws since 2018. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

US State Privacy Laws Whiteboards Package

The US lacks a comprehensive federal privacy law and instead regulates privacy with a patchwork of state and federal laws.
More than a dozen states have passed broad consumer privacy laws since 2018. [ more ]
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