I'm calling it, Magnum just made the best sonic ad everMagnum's new campaign creatively utilizes sonic branding to enhance the sensory experience of enjoying its ice cream.
Brands should invest in multisensory marketing - here's whyMultisensory branding offers brands a unique way to differentiate and engage consumers effectively.
The beauty industry isn't using branded audio as effectively as it could beBeauty brands are often neglecting the importance of a unique sonic identity in their marketing strategies.
'Sonic brand' strikes the right tone with TD Bank's ATM usersCreating a sonic brand can enhance customer experience and strengthen brand recognition across various touchpoints.
Why Your Sonic Branding May Be Doomed to FailSonic branding has shifted from optional to essential in brand development, necessitating a unique auditory signature for brand recognition across various platforms.
Branding 101: How to anchor a brand in sound using AI and talent feat. Mastercard - TearsheetBrands are focusing on sonic branding to enhance brand recognition and memory through sound.Sonic branding is an effective way to create a distinctive brand identity beyond visual elements.
The rise of sonic design: a crucial part of brand successMulti-sensory branding considers all senses to create lasting impressions and improve brand performance exponentially.
'Sonic brand' strikes the right tone with TD Bank's ATM usersCreating a sonic brand can enhance customer experience and strengthen brand recognition across various touchpoints.
Why Your Sonic Branding May Be Doomed to FailSonic branding has shifted from optional to essential in brand development, necessitating a unique auditory signature for brand recognition across various platforms.
Branding 101: How to anchor a brand in sound using AI and talent feat. Mastercard - TearsheetBrands are focusing on sonic branding to enhance brand recognition and memory through sound.Sonic branding is an effective way to create a distinctive brand identity beyond visual elements.
The rise of sonic design: a crucial part of brand successMulti-sensory branding considers all senses to create lasting impressions and improve brand performance exponentially.
I'm a sonic branding convert thanks to Leffe beerLeffe introduced a unique sonic brand identity, blending heritage with contemporary innovation, setting it apart in the beverage industry.