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The Drum
3 days ago

Unlocking the potential of audio advertising through publisher partnerships

Digital audio advertising is growing rapidly with a significant listener base and increasing ad spending, offering opportunities for partnerships and revenue optimization. [ more ]
1 month ago

The state of publisher revenue | Pathways to total revenue optimization in 2024

Publishers are increasingly focusing on diversifying revenue streams and prioritizing total revenue optimization (TRO) to maximize revenue. [ more ]
1 month ago

YouTube adds new shopping features to increase seller revenue | MarTech

Creators can use Shopping Collections to showcase favorite products across YouTube's various discovery areas.
YouTube's new updates like the Affiliate Hub and enhanced tagging aim to help creators efficiently plan shoppable videos and optimize revenue. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy technologies

AdPlayer.Pro Outstream Video Ad Tech Provider Introduces New Programmatic Features

AdPlayer.Pro introduces Performance-Based Waterfall for programmatic auction upgrades.
Enhancements promise to boost programmatic ad sales efficiency by 15%. [ more ]
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