ChatGPT growing as a traffic referrer, reshaping search behavior, report says | MarTechChatGPT is significantly altering referral traffic for educational and tech websites, highlighting a shift in user search behavior.
For Reach plc, Google Discover has offset search-driven traffic declinesGoogle Discover is increasingly becoming a primary traffic source for publishers, overshadowing traditional Google Search referrals.
Perplexity Is Referring Modest Traffic to PublishersAI search engine Perplexity is generating significant referral traffic for major publishers despite past blocking of its bots.
How publishers are experimenting with Reddit - even without a formal publisher programReddit is increasingly viewed by publishers as a powerful platform for driving referral traffic and brand engagement.
Why publishers fear traffic, ad declines from Google's AI-generated search resultsGoogle's AI Overview feature raises concerns among publishers about potential negative impacts on referral traffic.