It's not your imagination: The sky is yellowA thick haze of pollen engulfed Boston, affecting allergy sufferers and reducing visibility. Relief was expected only after rain later in the week.
Early spring weather puts southern France on max alert for pollenFrance's pollen counts have reached 'red' level in many areas, signaling high allergy risks for residents.
It's not your imagination: The sky is yellowA thick haze of pollen engulfed Boston, affecting allergy sufferers and reducing visibility. Relief was expected only after rain later in the week.
Early spring weather puts southern France on max alert for pollenFrance's pollen counts have reached 'red' level in many areas, signaling high allergy risks for residents.
A Complete Guide to Allergy TreatmentsConsider home measures before resorting to medicationLimit exposure to allergens like tree pollen by monitoring levels and taking preventive measures at home