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Know Your Mobile
11 months ago
Mobile UX

O2 vs Vodafone: Which Network Has The Best Unlimited Data Plan?

In comparing O2 and Vodafone's unlimited plans, O2 offers a 650GB data cap with a hotspot limit of 12 devices, while Vodafone has speed restrictions and global roaming benefits. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Securing the edge: A new battleground in mobile network security | Computer Weekly

The global edge computing market is growing rapidly, promising to revolutionize mobile networks across industries by enabling faster response times and more efficient data processing. [ more ]
2 months ago
UK news

Martin Lewis reveals the one simple text that could save you money on your phone bill

Sending a free text to 85075 can help determine if one is out of contract and eligible to switch networks to save money.
Comparison sites offer better deals than going directly to mobile network providers, enabling significant savings. [ more ]
6 months ago
Business intelligence

Nokia Cuts Operating Margin Guidance Amid Challenging Market

Nokia reduces its operating margin guidance due to challenging market conditions in its mobile networks business.
The company now targets a comparable operating margin of at least 13% by 2026. [ more ]
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