#long Covid

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BBC News
1 month ago
OMG science

Long Covid course is 'exploiting people', says ex-GB rower

Dr. Camilla Nord disputes claims about the Lightning Process and emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the brain's role in creating symptoms. [ more ]
1 month ago

After Months-Long Coma, This Latino Immigrant Worker Is Still Fighting Mysterious Long COVID Symptoms | KQED

Alternative medicine like foot baths and natural remedies helped a long COVID patient regain sensation and cope with ongoing symptoms. [ more ]
1 month ago

Paul Schrader felt death closing in, so he made a movie about it

Paul Schrader faced mortality, accelerated filmmaking post-long COVID and friend's death, forming new ideas despite supposed final projects. [ more ]
Time Out New York
1 month ago

A moving COVID-19 memorial is now open at Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn

The memorial at Brooklyn's Green-Wood Cemetery honors those lost to COVID-19 and those suffering from long COVID. [ more ]
2 months ago

COVID Patient's Infection Lasts Record 613 Daysand Accumulated Over 50 Mutations

A patient with a weakened immune system harbored a highly mutated Covid-19 strain for over 600 days, showcasing the risk of prolonged infections in immunocompromised individuals. [ more ]
2 months ago

The Relentless Cost of Chronic Diseases

Gray diseases like Long COVID, Lyme, endometriosis, and chronic pain can have unclear causes and multiple possible cures.
People with gray diseases often face challenges in receiving adequate care, especially due to economic factors. [ more ]
BBC News
1 month ago
OMG science

Long Covid course is 'exploiting people', says ex-GB rower

Dr. Camilla Nord disputes claims about the Lightning Process and emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the brain's role in creating symptoms. [ more ]
1 month ago

After Months-Long Coma, This Latino Immigrant Worker Is Still Fighting Mysterious Long COVID Symptoms | KQED

Alternative medicine like foot baths and natural remedies helped a long COVID patient regain sensation and cope with ongoing symptoms. [ more ]
1 month ago

Paul Schrader felt death closing in, so he made a movie about it

Paul Schrader faced mortality, accelerated filmmaking post-long COVID and friend's death, forming new ideas despite supposed final projects. [ more ]
Time Out New York
1 month ago

A moving COVID-19 memorial is now open at Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn

The memorial at Brooklyn's Green-Wood Cemetery honors those lost to COVID-19 and those suffering from long COVID. [ more ]
2 months ago

COVID Patient's Infection Lasts Record 613 Daysand Accumulated Over 50 Mutations

A patient with a weakened immune system harbored a highly mutated Covid-19 strain for over 600 days, showcasing the risk of prolonged infections in immunocompromised individuals. [ more ]
2 months ago

The Relentless Cost of Chronic Diseases

Gray diseases like Long COVID, Lyme, endometriosis, and chronic pain can have unclear causes and multiple possible cures.
People with gray diseases often face challenges in receiving adequate care, especially due to economic factors. [ more ]
5 months ago

Advocates push for greater investment in long COVID research at Senate hearing

Long COVID remains a mystery to scientists.
Medical experts are calling for more research funding. [ more ]
5 months ago
Public health

Vaccination Dramatically Lowers Long Covid Risk

Receiving multiple doses of the COVID vaccine before an initial infection can dramatically reduce the risk of long-term symptoms.
One study found that people who had three doses of the COVID vaccine were 68.7 percent less likely to develop long COVID compared to the unvaccinated. [ more ]
6 months ago

Long flu': study finds flu patients at higher risk of longer-term illness

Data suggests that people who have been hospitalized with flu are at an increased risk of longer-term health problems, similar to those with long Covid.
Both flu and Covid infections carry a significant risk of ongoing disability and disease, with more than half of death and disability occurring in the months after infection. [ more ]
6 months ago

You've Heard of Long COVID. Long Flu Is a Health Risk, Too

Long COVID can also occur after a severe case of influenza.
People who had COVID-19 were at increased risk of developing more complications compared to influenza survivors. [ more ]
6 months ago
Mental health

Geriatricians, Look Out for Patients With Long COVID

Patients in nursing homes may show signs of long COVID that go unnoticed.
Long COVID in nursing home residents needs more attention and evaluation. [ more ]
#long COVID
6 months ago

Cat Power and Iggy Pop Cover "Working Class Hero" for Marianne Faithfull Tribute Compilation

Cat Power and Iggy Pop cover 'Working Class Hero' for tribute album to Marianne Faithfull
Proceeds from the album will go to support Marianne Faithfull's recovery from long COVID [ more ]
6 months ago

'What I want are recovery narratives': CBC Radio host Gill Deacon on life with long COVID | CBC News

Gill Deacon, host of CBC Radio's Here & Now, has been on medical leave due to long COVID.
1.4 million Canadians are suffering from long COVID and wondering if they will ever feel normal again. [ more ]
6 months ago

Cat Power and Iggy Pop Cover "Working Class Hero" for Marianne Faithfull Tribute Compilation

Cat Power and Iggy Pop cover 'Working Class Hero' for tribute album to Marianne Faithfull
Proceeds from the album will go to support Marianne Faithfull's recovery from long COVID [ more ]
6 months ago

'What I want are recovery narratives': CBC Radio host Gill Deacon on life with long COVID | CBC News

Gill Deacon, host of CBC Radio's Here & Now, has been on medical leave due to long COVID.
1.4 million Canadians are suffering from long COVID and wondering if they will ever feel normal again. [ more ]
morelong COVID
6 months ago
Public health

Long COVID Rates Appear to Be Decreasing

Rates of long COVID may be dropping due to increased immunity, milder variants, and improved treatments
Studies suggest that people infected with the Omicron variant are less likely to develop long COVID [ more ]
6 months ago
Mental health

Brain fog caused by long Covid is real. These doctors have advice for managing it

Long COVID, including brain fog, is devastating and affects cognitive function such as memory and decision-making.
Brain fog is common in adults in their 30s and 40s and can lead to difficulties in work and daily life. [ more ]
7 months ago

Getting Vaccinated May Be Your Best Protection from Long COVID

Vaccinated individuals have a lower risk of developing Long COVID compared to unvaccinated individuals.
Each additional dose received before COVID-19 infection provides extra protection against Long COVID. [ more ]
7 months ago

New Book Chronicles Life Of Those Living With Long COVID | KQED

Many Americans are experiencing long-term symptoms and effects of COVID-19, known as Long COVID.
Author Mary Ladd released a book called The Long COVID Reader which features essays and poetry from over 40 individuals.
Construction on the Pajaro River levee will begin next summer after breaching and causing flooding earlier this year. [ more ]
7 months ago
Public health

How to End the Futile Blame Game Over Failed Long COVID Research

The results of clinical research on Long COVID have been disappointing and there is little to show for it.
The biomedical community has been criticized for the lack of progress in prevention and treatment for Long COVID.
There is a need for effective treatments for Long COVID to reduce frustration, suffering, impairment, and disability. [ more ]
6 months ago
Mental health

Brain fog caused by long Covid is real. These doctors have advice for managing it

Long COVID, including brain fog, is devastating and affects cognitive function such as memory and decision-making.
Brain fog is common in adults in their 30s and 40s and can lead to difficulties in work and daily life. [ more ]
7 months ago

Getting Vaccinated May Be Your Best Protection from Long COVID

Vaccinated individuals have a lower risk of developing Long COVID compared to unvaccinated individuals.
Each additional dose received before COVID-19 infection provides extra protection against Long COVID. [ more ]
7 months ago

New Book Chronicles Life Of Those Living With Long COVID | KQED

Many Americans are experiencing long-term symptoms and effects of COVID-19, known as Long COVID.
Author Mary Ladd released a book called The Long COVID Reader which features essays and poetry from over 40 individuals.
Construction on the Pajaro River levee will begin next summer after breaching and causing flooding earlier this year. [ more ]
7 months ago
Public health

How to End the Futile Blame Game Over Failed Long COVID Research

The results of clinical research on Long COVID have been disappointing and there is little to show for it.
The biomedical community has been criticized for the lack of progress in prevention and treatment for Long COVID.
There is a need for effective treatments for Long COVID to reduce frustration, suffering, impairment, and disability. [ more ]
moreLong COVID
BBC News
7 months ago

'Long Covid triggered our MCAS, but doctors didn't believe us'

Advocacy groups for people with long Covid and secondary illnesses feel that they are forgotten and poorly treated by doctors.
Some individuals with long Covid and mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) have experienced anger and disbelief from doctors.
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence defines long Covid as symptoms that persist for more than 12 weeks and are not explained by another diagnosis. [ more ]
New York Post
7 months ago
Public health

NYC launches $4 million COVID vaccine campaign targeting poor neighborhoods

Mayor Eric Adams' health team is launching a $4 million "vaccine equity" campaign to expand vaccine coverage in poorer communities.
The campaign aims to raise awareness of long COVID and its impact on health and wellbeing.
The targeted communities include Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. [ more ]
7 months ago
Public health

Can't Think, Can't Remember: More Americans Say They're in a Cognitive Fog

More Americans are reporting serious cognitive problems than ever before, with an increase of one million people during the pandemic.
Younger adults are driving the trend of increased cognitive issues.
Long Covid is believed to be a significant factor in the rise of cognitive problems. [ more ]
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