Tenants continue protest against landlord for being deprived of heat, hot water and healthTenants on 23rd St. are protesting against their landlord's negligence regarding heat and water, amid harassment and lease renewal issues.
Editorial: Los Angeles can find a fairer way to raise the rentLos Angeles is exploring new rent increase formulas to protect tenants and landlords amidst high inflation.
Landlord threatens to evict firefighter, his family because of second baby, feds sayThe Justice Department filed a lawsuit against a landlord for discriminating against a couple expecting a child, highlighting serious issues of tenant rights.
Ontario landlord owing $27M loses control over building where tenants faced 3-month water shut-off | CBC NewsThe Hamilton apartment building has faced water access issues and financial mismanagement leading to court intervention for its management and renovation completion.
Is my rented garden an act of resistance to the precarity of my living situation? Possibly | Jaimee Frances EdwardsRenting and gardening conflict; gardening needs stability while renting creates anxiety and uncertainty.
Tenant arrested after allegedly turning landlords' former family home 'into cannabis growhouse', RTB tribunal hearsA tenant was arrested after landlords reported their home was illegally converted into a cannabis growhouse.
Tenants continue protest against landlord for being deprived of heat, hot water and healthTenants on 23rd St. are protesting against their landlord's negligence regarding heat and water, amid harassment and lease renewal issues.
Editorial: Los Angeles can find a fairer way to raise the rentLos Angeles is exploring new rent increase formulas to protect tenants and landlords amidst high inflation.
Landlord threatens to evict firefighter, his family because of second baby, feds sayThe Justice Department filed a lawsuit against a landlord for discriminating against a couple expecting a child, highlighting serious issues of tenant rights.
Ontario landlord owing $27M loses control over building where tenants faced 3-month water shut-off | CBC NewsThe Hamilton apartment building has faced water access issues and financial mismanagement leading to court intervention for its management and renovation completion.
Is my rented garden an act of resistance to the precarity of my living situation? Possibly | Jaimee Frances EdwardsRenting and gardening conflict; gardening needs stability while renting creates anxiety and uncertainty.
Tenant arrested after allegedly turning landlords' former family home 'into cannabis growhouse', RTB tribunal hearsA tenant was arrested after landlords reported their home was illegally converted into a cannabis growhouse.
Exclusive | NYC landlord switching to dirtier heating oil because of soaring Con Ed gas bill: 'I'm tapped out'Landlord switches from natural gas to heating oil due to unaffordable gas bills.
Faulty Wiring Caused Fires at 3 Buildings Owned by Notorious LandlordThe Bronx fire was caused by electrical issues linked to a notorious landlord.
Three London students in 'danger to health' cold and mouldy flat win 20,000 rent back from landlordThe tribunal ruled against a landlord for operating an unlicensed HMO, resulting in health hazards for tenants and a substantial financial penalty.
Faulty Wiring Caused Fires at 3 Buildings Owned by Notorious LandlordThe Bronx fire was caused by electrical issues linked to a notorious landlord.
Three London students in 'danger to health' cold and mouldy flat win 20,000 rent back from landlordThe tribunal ruled against a landlord for operating an unlicensed HMO, resulting in health hazards for tenants and a substantial financial penalty.
Landlord 'hell' after letting agents goes under 'leaving them without rent money'Northwood Romford is entering liquidation, causing distress among landlords due to unpaid rent and service disruptions.
My nightmare tenant turned my home into a 'megamansion party house' - don't let it happen to youA California homeowner faced severe issues with disruptive tenants, resulting in almost $100,000 in damages and a decision to never rent again.
Community-run pub closes over 50,000 rent debtCommunity-run pubs face challenges from landlords over rent, impacting their viability.
Massive rent hikes, dodgy landlords unlike many MPs, I know what renting is like. We have to fix it | Chris CurtisThe rental sector in England needs urgent reform due to long-standing issues with landlords taking advantage of tenants.
Developer Neil Shekhter's Bel Air Crest mansion trades for $15MNeil Shekhter has reduced his property holdings, selling a mansion for $15 million after significant price reductions.
For Many Breweries, the Rent Is Too Damn HighMany breweries are closing due to drastic rent increases post-COVID, ending the previously amicable landlord relationships.
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