CAFC Vacates PTAB's Finding that Meat Prep Patent Was ObviousThe CAFC ruled that the PTAB's decision is unclear and must adhere to the obviousness theory presented in the case.
Federal Circuit Affirms PTAB Decisions for Intel Based on Qualcomm Prosecution HistoryThe Federal Circuit upheld the PTAB's decision affirming Intel's interpretation of 'hardware buffer' amid disagreements with Qualcomm.
Did Jarkesy Undermine Oil States? ParkerVision Thinks SoThe Supreme Court's Jarkesy ruling may challenge the constitutionality of inter partes review proceedings upheld in Oil States decision.
Thorn in USPTO's Side: Judge Fitzpatrick's Whistleblower VictoryThe MSPB ruled in favor of APJ Fitzpatrick, affirming his claims of retaliation from USPTO for whistleblowing on agency misconduct in panel stacking.
Different Burdens of Proof Prevent IPR Estoppel from Extending to Non-Challenged ClaimsThe Federal Circuit limited IPR estoppel, allowing different claims from the same patent to be asserted in court despite previous invalidity findings.
Publications Before Publishing and the Federal Circuit's Temporal GymnasticsThe Federal Circuit's ruling confirms that published patent applications are prior art from their filing date, impacting patent cancellation cases.
CAFC Vacates PTAB's Finding that Meat Prep Patent Was ObviousThe CAFC ruled that the PTAB's decision is unclear and must adhere to the obviousness theory presented in the case.
Federal Circuit Affirms PTAB Decisions for Intel Based on Qualcomm Prosecution HistoryThe Federal Circuit upheld the PTAB's decision affirming Intel's interpretation of 'hardware buffer' amid disagreements with Qualcomm.
Did Jarkesy Undermine Oil States? ParkerVision Thinks SoThe Supreme Court's Jarkesy ruling may challenge the constitutionality of inter partes review proceedings upheld in Oil States decision.
Thorn in USPTO's Side: Judge Fitzpatrick's Whistleblower VictoryThe MSPB ruled in favor of APJ Fitzpatrick, affirming his claims of retaliation from USPTO for whistleblowing on agency misconduct in panel stacking.
Different Burdens of Proof Prevent IPR Estoppel from Extending to Non-Challenged ClaimsThe Federal Circuit limited IPR estoppel, allowing different claims from the same patent to be asserted in court despite previous invalidity findings.
Publications Before Publishing and the Federal Circuit's Temporal GymnasticsThe Federal Circuit's ruling confirms that published patent applications are prior art from their filing date, impacting patent cancellation cases.
Fighting For Progress On Patents: 2024 in ReviewOnline rights must mirror offline rights, with a focus on combating patent misuse.Non-practicing entities pose significant risks in the patent landscape.Inter partes reviews are crucial for eliminating bad patents.The fight continues against attempts to weaken the patent review system.
Oppose The Patent-Troll-Friendly PREVAIL ActThe Senate pushes the PREVAIL bill, undermining protections against patent trolls despite dropping another risky patent-related legislation.
Fighting For Progress On Patents: 2024 in ReviewOnline rights must mirror offline rights, with a focus on combating patent misuse.Non-practicing entities pose significant risks in the patent landscape.Inter partes reviews are crucial for eliminating bad patents.The fight continues against attempts to weaken the patent review system.
Oppose The Patent-Troll-Friendly PREVAIL ActThe Senate pushes the PREVAIL bill, undermining protections against patent trolls despite dropping another risky patent-related legislation.