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1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

No, Today's AI Isn't Sentient. Here's How We Know

AGI aims at human-like intelligence across various tasks. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Why a Cognitive Scientist Put a Head Cam on His Baby

AI models struggle with learning language efficiently compared to toddlers who learn from very few examples. [ more ]
Hindustan Times
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Meta AI boss slams Elon Musk: 'He is wrong about Artificial Intelligence being...'

AI will not be smarter than humans due to differences in perception and understanding of reality. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

What Toddlers and AI Can Learn From Each Other

Parents can play a significant role in training human intelligence.
Humans can learn from very few examples, unlike current AI models. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Navigating AI's Fakery

AI has always had an element of fakery baked into it
The idea of machines passing as humans has darker historical connotations [ more ]
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