Residents and landlords urged to give views on future of HMO licencesCamden Council seeks community input to improve HMO licensing to enhance safety standards in shared homes.
Council under investigation by housing watchdog over dangerous window complaintCamden council is under scrutiny for poorly handling window installations, endangering resident safety, and failing to provide critical data during consultations.
Residents and landlords urged to give views on future of HMO licencesCamden Council seeks community input to improve HMO licensing to enhance safety standards in shared homes.
Council under investigation by housing watchdog over dangerous window complaintCamden council is under scrutiny for poorly handling window installations, endangering resident safety, and failing to provide critical data during consultations.
'Rogue' landlord flouted law by cramming 18 people into three-bedroom houseA landlord in Barnet faced fines after operating an overcrowded property with unsafe conditions and without a license.
Delay to Awaab's law' risks lives of social housing tenants in England, Shelter saysThe government is criticized for delaying Awaab's law, risking tenant safety against hazardous living conditions.
Letters: Extra $180MDirecting the extra $180 million from the A's stadium funding to Nevada schools could address educational funding issues.
Replacing cladding needs urgent action, adviser saysReplacing unsafe cladding is urgent; prioritizing current home safety over new construction is essential, according to safety advisor Dame Judith Hackitt.
Tower blocks near former asbestos factory earmarked for demolitionColne House and Mersea House face safety and health issues, with potential demolition as the preferred solution due to high repair costs and disruption.
Replacing cladding needs urgent action, adviser saysReplacing unsafe cladding is urgent; prioritizing current home safety over new construction is essential, according to safety advisor Dame Judith Hackitt.
Tower blocks near former asbestos factory earmarked for demolitionColne House and Mersea House face safety and health issues, with potential demolition as the preferred solution due to high repair costs and disruption.
RBKC apologises as it admits 'failure to protect' Grenfell residents and treat them with humanity and care'The council failed to protect Grenfell residents before, during, and after the tragedy, acknowledging systemic failures and pledging to learn from criticisms.
Councillor who oversaw Grenfell works donated to Badenoch's Tory leadership bidKemi Badenoch's connection to Grenfell Tower oversight raises serious ethical concerns about prioritizing political contributions over resident safety.
RBKC apologises as it admits 'failure to protect' Grenfell residents and treat them with humanity and care'The council failed to protect Grenfell residents before, during, and after the tragedy, acknowledging systemic failures and pledging to learn from criticisms.
Councillor who oversaw Grenfell works donated to Badenoch's Tory leadership bidKemi Badenoch's connection to Grenfell Tower oversight raises serious ethical concerns about prioritizing political contributions over resident safety.
Bring criminal prosecutions against Grenfell Tower cladding firms, urges GoveCompanies profiting without acknowledging responsibility for disasters like Grenfell should face financial penalties to ensure justice is served.
Life in a Death Trap': How Tenants Rose Up Against a Federally Funded Mega-LandlordThe Millennia Companies' negligence in handling gas leaks has led to multiple deaths, emphasizing systemic issues in tenant safety in their properties.
So there's a problem with your apartment. What now?Inspect rental units in person before signing agreements to ensure they meet safety standards.Tenants can escalate issues to health departments if landlords fail to address repairs.
Life in a Death Trap': How Tenants Rose Up Against a Federally Funded Mega-LandlordThe Millennia Companies' negligence in handling gas leaks has led to multiple deaths, emphasizing systemic issues in tenant safety in their properties.
So there's a problem with your apartment. What now?Inspect rental units in person before signing agreements to ensure they meet safety standards.Tenants can escalate issues to health departments if landlords fail to address repairs.
Video shows NYC building superintendent kicking tenant down stairs, beating him with wrenchA Manhattan building superintendent was arrested for violently attacking a tenant over a rent dispute, highlighting issues of safety in housing.
A Deadly Fire Exposes the Plight of Low-Paid Migrants in Wealthy KuwaitKuwait's rich economy fails to protect its vulnerable migrant workers, who face evictions and unsafe living conditions despite significant wealth in the nation.