Beyond Burnout: How to Flourish in Work and LifeBurnout consists of emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and lack of accomplishment, and reflective writing can help combat these issues.
Want More Career Confidence?Career confidence is crucial for job satisfaction and advancement.Flourishing in life outside of work substantially boosts work-related confidence.Positive psychology factors enhance career decision-making.
Assessing Academic FlourishingColleges aim for student transformation and flourishing, yet often rely on traditional metrics for assessment.
Why intellectual humility isn't always a virtue | Aeon EssaysCultivating intellectual virtues is essential for both personal flourishing and the development of good thinking.
From Stuck to Thriving: Key Actions to Unlock Your PotentialFlourishing individuals embrace challenges and actively seek growth, while those who are stuck resist change and dwell on past experiences.
Teen Mental Health: What's a Parent to Do?Over 20% of youth experience major depressive episodes, with over half not receiving treatment, highlighting a mental health crisis among teens.