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4 weeks ago

How I overcame my stage fright in the lab

Overcoming fear of failure and insecurity stemming from past experiences is crucial for personal growth and success in academic environments. [ more ]
1 month ago

I have a great job and family, but I really want to write novels | Ask Philippa

Do not label your calling as frivolous; Fear of failure can lead to procrastination; Start writing without worrying about success immediately. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
3 weeks ago

These Red Flags Mean You're Putting Too Much Pressure On Your Kid In Sports

Child athletes experience overwhelming pressure from parents and others, leading to performance anxiety and fear of failure. [ more ]
1 week ago

My grownup son is gaming all day and lives on takeaways

Connection needs via the internet may hinder real-life relationships. Fear of failure could be crippling - defining oneself by courage to try is essential. [ more ]
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