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1 day ago

Best and worst Panenka penalties

Panenka penalties are high-risk moves in football, celebrated when successful and mocked when failed. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

How Mindset Plays a Role in Your Entrepreneurial Success | Entrepreneur

Mindset is crucial for entrepreneurial success. [ more ]
Noah Kagan
1 month ago

Brutally honest career advice to my younger self - Noah Kagan

It's okay to feel lost in your 20s - focus on daily action, not predicting your career path.
Take more risks early in your career by taking relentless action and creating your own luck. [ more ]
The New Yorker
3 weeks ago

The Poet Who Took It Personally

Delmore Schwartz's painful life and attempts to change poetry led to acute feelings of failure. [ more ]
The Verge
1 month ago
Digital life

A better way to find stuff to watch

The Apple Car project failed due to aspects of Apple's identity not aligning with the car industry.
The Likewise app is a show and movie recommender with a TikTok-like interface. [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
1 month ago

How to Fail Right

Failing well depends on how and why you fail
The importance of experimentation to avoid bad types of failures [ more ]
2 months ago

Apple abandons its car: Here are other projects the company has killed | TechCrunch

Apple has shifted focus from autonomous electric car to generative AI, affecting employees.
Not all Apple projects have been successful, with examples like AirPower and the abandoned tablet. [ more ]
2 months ago
Tech industry

Behind Apple's Doomed Car Project: False Starts and Wrong Turns

The Apple car project faced challenges and changes, ultimately failing after costing over $10 billion.
The struggle to develop new products post-Steve Jobs is evident in Apple's car project failure. [ more ]
3 months ago
Tech industry

Microsoft Kin, iPhone, and the perils of chasing hipness

Designing technology to be cool rather than useful can lead to failure.
Being cool can attract users and drive growth, but it can also be fleeting and easily lost. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

The Day Before Devs Blame 'Bloggers' For The Game's Failure

Developer Fntastic blames bloggers and content creators for the failure of The Day Before game.
The game initially generated hype but received negative reviews for bugs and undelivered promises. [ more ]
3 months ago
Toronto Maple Leafs

Calle Jarnkrok's Mr. Consistency act is needed more than ever

Familiarity can breed contempt.
Constant failure can make contempt worse. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Tragic toddler left to starve to death next to father's body'

A two-year-old boy starved to death next to his father's body after social services reportedly failed to respond to welfare concerns.
The case has prompted a review into the actions of social services and the authorities. [ more ]
4 months ago

Viet Thanh Nguyen: My Mid-Life Crisis

The word 'mid' is used to describe something that is mediocre or average.
The author reflects on their own feelings of mediocrity and midness during the pandemic. [ more ]
4 months ago

DevOps: Vision to Value Framework - DZone

Innovation is crucial for staying competitive but is also challenging with a high rate of failure.
Prototyping is an essential part of the innovation process, refining ideas and aligning them with market demands. [ more ]
5 months ago

An astronaut shares his 30-second trick for boosting productivity

Responding to mistakes and handling failure is crucial for personal growth and productivity.
Giving yourself a limited amount of time to feel regret or remorse before moving on helps maintain focus and prevent dwelling on mistakes. [ more ]
5 months ago
Software development

7 Technical Reasons: Why Software Projects Fail - DZone

Inadequate requirements gathering and analysis is one of the primary reasons software projects fail.
Poor testing practices and lack of skilled resources can lead to project failure.
Addressing technical issues is crucial for ensuring successful software project outcomes. [ more ]
5 months ago

SpaceX loses contact with Starship rocket in new test flight DW 11/18/2023

SpaceX's Starship, designed to carry astronauts to the moon and beyond, had a repeat test launch but experienced a failure shortly after reaching space.
The spacecraft's booster exploded shortly after separating from the ship, but the rest of the spacecraft appeared to continue on track.
Corrective measures, including reinforcing the launch pad, were taken before the second test flight was granted a launch license. [ more ]
5 months ago

SpaceX launches Starship rocket in repeat test flight DW 11/18/2023

SpaceX attempted a repeat test launch of its Starship spacecraft, but experienced a failure shortly after reaching space.
The first attempt in April failed due to an internal fire and late activation of the automatic-destruct command.
Corrective measures were put in place before the second test flight, including reinforcing the launch pad with a water-cooled steel plate. [ more ]
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