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3 weeks ago

Want to teach? New Alameda County partnership will help prospective educators earn a credential for as little as $42 a month

Alameda County Office of Education partners with Reach University to address the East Bay teacher shortage by offering a low-cost teacher credential program. [ more ]
2 months ago

Affirmative Action Bans Have A Tremendous Impact On Law School Diversity

Diversity at top law schools decreased significantly post-affirmative action bans.
Overall diversity at law schools reduced by 10-17%, with a more significant impact at top law schools. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
2 months ago

Decisions on tests raise broader questions (opinion)

Institutions such as Yale, Brown, and University of Texas at Austin are reverting to requiring standardized test scores for college admissions.
Yale is implementing a 'test-flexible' admission policy, allowing submission of AP and IB scores in addition to SAT and ACT scores. [ more ]
3 months ago

Can a compulsory curriculum lead to a deeper understanding of Black history? | CBC News

Black Studies course fills gap in learning about Black experience
Ontario mandates Black history in public school curriculum [ more ]
Washington Post
3 months ago

Supreme Court offers possible road map for schools to diversify top programs

Schools are using new admissions systems to diversify student body without considering race.
Consideration of neighborhood, socioeconomics, and other factors is permissible for promoting diversity in school admissions. [ more ]
3 months ago

Supreme Court Won't Hear New Case on Race and School Admissions

The Supreme Court declined to hear a challenge on new admissions criteria at a Virginia high school, allowing the policy to stand.
Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. and Justice Clarence Thomas dissented, criticizing the appeals court's ruling and advocating for the case to be revisited. [ more ]
4 months ago

UC Berkeley students combat K-12 book bans by creating their own children's books

Policies backed by U.S. legislators have contributed to a rise in the banning of books that include the history and experiences of people of color.
UC Berkeley lecturer Pablo Gonzalez is combating the exclusion of these stories by having his students write and illustrate children's books on Chicanx history. [ more ]
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