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1 month ago
France politics

What is France's 'citizen service' and who has to do it?

Teens in France no longer have compulsory military service, but most must do a one-day JDC course on citizenship responsibilities. [ more ]
5 months ago
East Bay (California)

Just how many homeless people are in the Bay Area? Annual census aims to nail down a number

The biennial Point-in-Time homelessness census is taking place this week in several Bay Area counties.
The census is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and impacts funding for housing and services in each county. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
5 months ago

Some US states and NYC succeed in getting 2020 census numbers double-checked and increased

Illinois, California, and New York City have successfully requested a review of their 2020 census figures.
Changes from the reviews will only affect future population estimates and cannot be used for apportionment or redrawing political districts. [ more ]
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