Does AI dream of synthetic experiences?Anthropomorphism helps foster emotional connections between humans and nonhuman entities, enhancing relatability and understanding.
Research: Consumers Don't Want AI to Seem HumanHighlighting human effort in AI development increases user acceptance and perceived utility.Anthropomorphizing AI misrepresents its nature and can hinder adoption.
The Antiquities Puts Humanity in a Museum Display CaseAssigning personality to machines marks a significant shift in humanity's relationship with AI.
Does AI dream of synthetic experiences?Anthropomorphism helps foster emotional connections between humans and nonhuman entities, enhancing relatability and understanding.
Research: Consumers Don't Want AI to Seem HumanHighlighting human effort in AI development increases user acceptance and perceived utility.Anthropomorphizing AI misrepresents its nature and can hinder adoption.
The Antiquities Puts Humanity in a Museum Display CaseAssigning personality to machines marks a significant shift in humanity's relationship with AI.
My chatbot's no Einstein, but it's got a great personalityAmericans approach AI chatbots with growing familiarity, yet their trust in chatbot competence is decreasing.
The Secret Lives of Animals review is this Hugh Bonneville's audition to be the next David Attenborough?The Secret Lives of Animals offers a whimsical and anthropomorphized portrayal of wildlife, contrasting with traditional, harsher nature documentaries.
Scientists say we should label bananas as 'sad' to slash food wasteUsing 'sad' labels on food can evoke empathy in consumers, leading to reduced food waste.
Anthropic hires its first "AI welfare" researcherCompanies should assess AI consciousness using multiple speculative indicators, balancing moral consideration while avoiding the pitfalls of anthropomorphism.
What Ants and Orcas Can Teach Us About DeathTahlequah's mourning of her calf exemplifies emotional depth in animals, challenging views on human-animal emotional differences.
The New AnthropomorphismResearchers are starting to view anthropomorphism as a scientifically useful tool in animal behavior studies.
Mindful Anthropomorphism Works, So Let's Stop the BickeringAnthropomorphism enhances understanding of animal emotions and individuality, countering outdated criticisms.
What Ants and Orcas Can Teach Us About DeathTahlequah's mourning of her calf exemplifies emotional depth in animals, challenging views on human-animal emotional differences.
The New AnthropomorphismResearchers are starting to view anthropomorphism as a scientifically useful tool in animal behavior studies.
Mindful Anthropomorphism Works, So Let's Stop the BickeringAnthropomorphism enhances understanding of animal emotions and individuality, countering outdated criticisms.
Paul Yoon on Bringing Animals Into the ForegroundThe author aims to explore animal perspectives in fiction by centering narratives around their experiences.
Fat Bear Week Delayed By Bear Killing Bear | DefectorAnimals are distinct beings with their own personalities and should not be anthropomorphized.
You only have one day to watch 2024's most adorable anime movie in theatersThe Concierge uses cute, anthropomorphic animals to explore themes of connection, professionalism, and loneliness, creating a relatable and endearing narrative for audiences.
Fat Bear Week Delayed By Bear Killing Bear | DefectorAnimals are distinct beings with their own personalities and should not be anthropomorphized.
You only have one day to watch 2024's most adorable anime movie in theatersThe Concierge uses cute, anthropomorphic animals to explore themes of connection, professionalism, and loneliness, creating a relatable and endearing narrative for audiences.
When One Animal Changes a Human's MindHuman affection towards animals is complex, often conflicting between nurturing instincts and societal norms of exploitation.
Sharing Laughter With Our Furry and Feathered FriendsLaughter, rooted in our shared history with Great Apes, extends to pets through our human tendency to express amusement anthropomorphically.
Prepare to Get Manipulated by Emotionally Expressive ChatbotsComputers are improving in mimicking human social interactions through upgraded AI models like ChatGPT with a more human-like personality.
A Psychologist Explains Why It's Possible To Fall In Love With AIAI can evoke romantic feelings through anthropomorphism and emotional responses.Virtual assistants mimic human traits and gestures to enhance connections with humans.
Anthropomorphism and AI: Dialing back the fear knobAnthropomorphism involves projecting human emotions onto non-human entities, impacting how we understand and interact with them.