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Ars Technica
2 days ago
Information security

Federal agency warns critical Linux vulnerability being actively exploited

CISA added a critical Linux security bug, CVE-2024-1086, actively exploited, granting privilege escalation through a use-after-free vulnerability in Linux kernel versions 5.14-6.6. [ more ]
4 days ago

Red Hat Enterprise Linux and AlmaLinux 8.10 are out

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10 and AlmaLinux 8.10 mark the end of the 8.x series, with updates such as Git 2.43 and Extended Hardware Support. [ more ]
1 week ago
Tech industry

Everything You Can Do to Keep an Old Computer Running

For best results, complete wipe before resetting OS. Consider Linux as an alternative OS due to lightweight nature. Repurpose old computers for different roles. [ more ]
2 months ago

Challenges in Migrating ASP.NET Apps to Containers #3 - OpenSSL Issues

OpenSSL Legacy Renegotiation can be a challenge during migration from Windows ASP.NET apps to Linux Docker containers.
Adding specific lines to the Dockerfile can enable legacy SSL Renegotiation and adjust the minimum TLS version allowed. [ more ]
3 months ago

IBM Adds Lower Cost Linux Mainframe to Portfolio - DevOps.com

IBM launches entry-level mainframe platform for affordable Linux use
IBM claims 52% savings in total cost of ownership over 5 years for moving Linux workloads to their mainframe [ more ]
4 months ago

Unix/Linux: How to get the top-level directory (only) from a file path

The problem is to extract the top-level directory name from a given file path.
The provided solution uses a combination of commands like dirname, cut, and sort to achieve the desired result. [ more ]
6 months ago

RHEL and Alma Linux 9.3 released

Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 9.3 and Alma Linux 9.3 have been released as the latest semi-annual updates.
RHEL 9.3 includes updates to existing components and some new features that maintain backwards compatibility.
The release cycle of RHEL involves point releases that contain the same versions of significant components, maximizing compatibility. [ more ]
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