#Climate crisis

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3 weeks ago

Heatwaves increase risk of early births and poorer health in babies, study finds

Heatwaves increase preterm births, impacting baby's health; vulnerable groups like Black, Hispanic, lower-income more affected; climate crisis intensifies extreme heat. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Europe politics

Greens will not back von der Leyen' for re-election if she does deal with far right

Green European parliament members oppose von der Leyen's reelection if she aligns with hard-right groups. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
OMG science

NOAA Predicts More Atlantic Storms, Hurricanes Than Average for 2024 Season

Take time to understand your unique risks now, as NOAA predicts more frequent and catastrophic storms in the 2024 Atlantic season. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
OMG science

Humanity's survival is still within our grasp just. But only if we take these radical steps | David King

Climate crisis escalating: Polar ice loss accelerating, extreme events intensifying, urgent action imperative. [ more ]
1 month ago

Trump attends Houston lunch to ask oil bosses for more campaign cash

Donald Trump is soliciting campaign funds from fossil-fuel executives despite climate crisis and public disasters. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Never-ending' UK rain made 10 times more likely by climate crisis, study says

Human-caused global heating made UK and Ireland's wet winter 10 times more likely and 20% wetter, showcasing severe consequences. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Heatwaves increase risk of early births and poorer health in babies, study finds

Heatwaves increase preterm births, impacting baby's health; vulnerable groups like Black, Hispanic, lower-income more affected; climate crisis intensifies extreme heat. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Europe politics

Greens will not back von der Leyen' for re-election if she does deal with far right

Green European parliament members oppose von der Leyen's reelection if she aligns with hard-right groups. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
OMG science

NOAA Predicts More Atlantic Storms, Hurricanes Than Average for 2024 Season

Take time to understand your unique risks now, as NOAA predicts more frequent and catastrophic storms in the 2024 Atlantic season. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
OMG science

Humanity's survival is still within our grasp just. But only if we take these radical steps | David King

Climate crisis escalating: Polar ice loss accelerating, extreme events intensifying, urgent action imperative. [ more ]
1 month ago

Trump attends Houston lunch to ask oil bosses for more campaign cash

Donald Trump is soliciting campaign funds from fossil-fuel executives despite climate crisis and public disasters. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Never-ending' UK rain made 10 times more likely by climate crisis, study says

Human-caused global heating made UK and Ireland's wet winter 10 times more likely and 20% wetter, showcasing severe consequences. [ more ]
5 months ago

2023 Was the Hottest Year on Record by a Long Shot

2023 was the hottest year on record, surpassing the previous record in 2016.
2023 was close to reaching the 1.5 degrees C above preindustrial temperatures, highlighting the urgency of the climate crisis. [ more ]
#climate crisis
6 months ago

This may be our last chance': Cop28 talks enter final phase

The Cop28 UN climate summit warns that the next few days may be the last chance to keep global heating within safe limits.
Negotiations at the summit are focused on the question of whether to phase out fossil fuels, with some countries calling for a resolution while others are against it. [ more ]
6 months ago

Opinion | In Dubai, a Good Vibes Only' Approach to Climate Change

The United Arab Emirates is promoting a green image ahead of COP28, but there are contradictions in their sustainability efforts.
The U.A.E. is investing in renewable energy while still depending on fossil fuels, leading to a seductive but unsustainable approach. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Benjamin Zephaniah, Poet of Social Justice Issues, Dies at 65

Benjamin Zephaniah, a renowned British poet, author, and professor known for his socially conscious work, has passed away at the age of 65.
He addressed issues such as racism and the environment in his writings and was considered one of the first poets to tackle the climate crisis. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Viktor Orban has undermined Europe for long enough. It's time to call his bluff | Alexander Hurst

The EU is facing external shocks such as Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the US's approach to the climate crisis affecting its economy.
Internal challenges in Poland and Hungary are undermining democracy, civil rights, and creating tensions within the EU. [ more ]
The Nation
6 months ago

The Planet Is Burning

The United States' habits of primacy are a key contributor to the climate crisis.
Multiple causes and implicated actors contribute to the climate failure, but the ingrained habits of primacy play a significant role. [ more ]
6 months ago

This may be our last chance': Cop28 talks enter final phase

The Cop28 UN climate summit warns that the next few days may be the last chance to keep global heating within safe limits.
Negotiations at the summit are focused on the question of whether to phase out fossil fuels, with some countries calling for a resolution while others are against it. [ more ]
6 months ago

Opinion | In Dubai, a Good Vibes Only' Approach to Climate Change

The United Arab Emirates is promoting a green image ahead of COP28, but there are contradictions in their sustainability efforts.
The U.A.E. is investing in renewable energy while still depending on fossil fuels, leading to a seductive but unsustainable approach. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Benjamin Zephaniah, Poet of Social Justice Issues, Dies at 65

Benjamin Zephaniah, a renowned British poet, author, and professor known for his socially conscious work, has passed away at the age of 65.
He addressed issues such as racism and the environment in his writings and was considered one of the first poets to tackle the climate crisis. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Viktor Orban has undermined Europe for long enough. It's time to call his bluff | Alexander Hurst

The EU is facing external shocks such as Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the US's approach to the climate crisis affecting its economy.
Internal challenges in Poland and Hungary are undermining democracy, civil rights, and creating tensions within the EU. [ more ]
The Nation
6 months ago

The Planet Is Burning

The United States' habits of primacy are a key contributor to the climate crisis.
Multiple causes and implicated actors contribute to the climate failure, but the ingrained habits of primacy play a significant role. [ more ]
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