Trump's EPA Is Botching Removal of Toxic Waste From the Los Angeles Fires

Following catastrophic wildfires, residents of Los Angeles experienced a deceptive calm with good air quality readings, despite the lurking dangers of carcinogens released into the environment. The aftermath of the fires left millions of tons of toxic debris that necessitated swift cleanup, mandated by the federal government. However, the disposal of this waste has met with resistance from local communities, reflecting ongoing social inequities regarding environmental hazards and raising crucial questions about public health and safety in the wake of climate change.
Urban wildfires are known to unleash a range of carcinogens not captured in typical air quality metrics, highlighting the deceptive nature of air quality readings post-fire.
The immediate destruction wrought by the Los Angeles fires was just the tip of the iceberg, as the city faces the daunting task of managing millions of tons of toxic ash.
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