Robins, often viewed as symbols of lost loved ones, can be attracted to gardens in winter by fermented berries. Scientists from the University of Rhode Island discovered that these berries, especially from holly trees, can become fermented and provide nourishment for robins during the harsh winter months. While robins typically feed on insects and worms, the scarcity of these food sources leads them to consume berries. The birds' mild drunkenness from fermentation is harmless. This phenomenon not only delights gardeners but also offers comfort to those mourning losses, reinforcing the robin's symbolic connection to the afterlife.
Robins are primarily seen visiting gardens more frequently in winter months, thanks to the availability of fermented winter berries which they consume to sustain themselves.
Scientists at the University of Rhode Island suggest that garden visitors can attract robins by ensuring fermented winter berries are available, making them tipsy but harmless.
For those grieving, a robin's visit can be a comforting sign of connection with lost loved ones, as the symbolism surrounding robins persists.
The idea of robins representing reincarnated loved ones extends back to ancient beliefs, providing solace to many suffering from loss.