The article recounts Sara's return to her grandmother's house in Mosul, which has significant cultural value but was damaged during the Islamic State's occupation and subsequent battles. Despite the destruction, Sara expresses a sense of belonging to their home and optimism for the future. The UNESCO project 'Revive the Spirit of Mosul' is key to the city's revival, aiding the restoration of historical sites like the Great Mosque of al-Nuri. The ongoing reconstruction offers job opportunities and a hopeful outlook for families aiming to return and resettle in their hometown.
Sara reflected on the importance of their home, stating, 'It seems like we never left. On the contrary, when we came back, we felt we belonged to this house.'
Architect Layla Saleh emphasized the efforts in restoring Mosul’s cultural heritage, noting, 'Life is still precarious, but we hope that 10 years after Daesh occupied our beloved city, it will only improve.'