I Can't Believe the Luxe Tile in This Stunning Bathroom Makeover Was Only $150

Interior designer Claire Brody excels at sourcing affordable and unique pieces on Facebook Marketplace for her projects. Her recent primary bathroom makeover in a 1940s home showcases budget-friendly design choices, including $150 marble tiles and a store-bought vanity that she personalized. With a clear strategy of continuous searching, Claire's approach makes home design accessible, transforming a space through clever choices, while having fun and being cost-effective. She highlights the significance of adapting designs to fit budget constraints, particularly as projects evolve.
You have to be constantly looking, you can't just show up at a thrift store one day and expect to find everything on your wish list.
The bathroom was one of the last rooms I sourced and designed. By that point, our budget was completely shot, so I really tried to be as budget-friendly as possible.
Read at Apartment Therapy