Episode 8 of "This Is the Way": The Golden Rule

Zigong asked, "Is there one teaching that can serve as a guide for one's entire life?" The Master answered, "Is it not 'sympathetic understanding' (shù 恕). Do not impose upon others what you yourself do not desire." This passage emphasizes the Golden Rule's significance in guiding ethical behavior by promoting empathy and mutual respect in relationships.
Zigong said, "If there were one able to bestow much upon the common people and bring succor to the multitudes, what would you make of him? Could such a person be called humane (ren 仁)?" The Master replied, "Even someone like Yao or Shun would find such a task daunting. Desiring to take his stand, one who is humane helps others to take their stand..." This illustrates the ideal of humanity extending beyond mere generosity towards a deeper understanding and support of others.
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