Try this simple breathwork technique to reach peak performance

Carl Jung, the esteemed Swiss psychiatrist, provided invaluable insight into the realm of the psyche, highlighting the shadow self. It encompasses traits, emotions, and memories the conscious self would rather not acknowledge.
Shadows form in childhood when we observe or experience shame regarding a quality, behavior, or physical trait. When we associate a particular characteristic as socially unacceptable or a threat to love or attention, we learn to hide these parts of ourselves.
A frequent exclamation on the spiritual path is, 'I thought I had already healed this!' Such moments are natural. At this stage in your journey, your main block will keep coming up until you have the courage.
You're experiencing a repeated trigger and can't get to the bottom of it. You're feeling envious, insecure, defensive, judgmental, or aggressive. You can't find your confidence or grounding as you begin to level up.
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