The SS nursery: Novelist recreates the Nazi maternity wards where babies were raised to swell the ranks of Himmler's order

The Schutzstaffel (SS), often associated with its notorious leader Heinrich Himmler, also had an unexpected focus on increasing birth rates of Aryan children. In December 1935, Himmler initiated the Lebensborn (fount of life) program, which established maternity homes that specifically catered to single mothers deemed to possess valuable Aryan characteristics. This program aimed to discreetly support the birth of children from non-marital relationships of SS members, ensuring these offspring were raised to eventually serve in the SS ranks, thus contributing to the Nazi demographic and ideological agenda.
Heinrich Himmler established the Lebensborn program in 1935, aiming to increase the birth of 'racially pure' Aryan children to bolster the SS ranks.
The maternity homes of Lebensborn provided support for specially selected single mothers to give birth discreetly, ensuring the Nazi ideal of progeny was upheld.
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