The 'Death Mother': Horror's most unnerving villain

Horror films draw us into a world where our deepest anxieties are laid bare. They illuminate the darker recesses of the human psyche - ones that we often prefer to ignore.
The Death Mother is so terrifying, Jungian scholar Daniela Sieff notes because she makes people confront a disturbing idea: that 'the belief that biology has programmed mothers to love and nurture every child they give birth to is a fantasy.'
Of all the archetypes, Jung considered one the most significant: the mother. The mother symbolizes the origin of our being; our existence is inextricably linked to hers.
Building on Jung's work, psychoanalyst Marion Woodman introduced the idea of the 'Death Mother.' While the Terrible Mother attacks her child's mind and erodes their confidence, the Death Mother threatens her child's body, even their life.
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