Only One Person Can Save Us From Terrible WNBA Takes | Defector

I consider the downstream effects of the WNBA's increasing popularity, and figure that they could help me. If more people watch, the games might appear at more convenient times and on easier-to-find channels, the Xs-and-Os coverage will improve and make me smarter, and I'll have some more options when I want to talk about Natasha Cloud with a friend. Win-win-win!
The foul committed by Chicago Sky guard Chennedy Carter was egregious. Outside of a sporting contest, it would have been seen as an assault. Even within a sporting context, it was bad: before the ball even was inbounded, Carter came up from behind Clark, shoving her at the hip and knocking her over.
After McAfee tweeted, 'I shouldn't have used 'white bitch' as a descriptor of Caitlin Clark [...] I have way too much respect for her and women to put that into the universe,' the Chicago Tribune editorial board likened the flagrant foul to assault in a piece that in some instances struck me as an 'assault' on the English language and was immediately disavowed by the Tribune's own Sky beat writer.
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